
For editors & authors

  • Follow the points mentioned.

For Editors


  • The title should contain two parts separated by a colon (:).
  • There should be a gap after colon; not before it.
  • Each word of the title must begin with capital letter except in case of prepositions.

Example of a good title: Algal Classification: Comparing Three Schools of Thought.


  • There should be a great beginning or introduction.
  • There should be a good conclusion.


  • Check the spellings carefully.
  • Scientific names must be italicized i.e slanted right. Check the spelling of every scientific name carefully. Take help from the internet.
  • Remember to give space after comma, colon, semicolon etc. pronunciation marks.


  • The letters of the headings of paragraphs shouldn’t all be capitalized.
  • Use the following headings:
    Heading 3 + Bold
    Heading 4 + Bold
    Only Bold (paragraph + bold)
    Do not use other headings for your article. Use only the mentioned ones. Follow the figure below:

(Example of good headings. Figure starts….)

(Figure ends…)

  • Paragraphs, if they have headings, must start from the next line of the heading. Not from the same line of the heading.
  • Each paragraph must be justified.
  • For paragraphs, follow font either ‘Georgia 16’ or ‘Veranda 14’. Georgia 16 is preferable.
  • Only black colored fonts are to be used. No blue or red or any other colors should be used in the article.


  • The article shouldn’t be that long. It should be within a range of 600 to 1000 words. If more, divide the article and make two articles from one.
  • If you know any new info, incorporate them in the article.
  • Each tough word or term must have their explanation given in bracket after the word. Or you can create a separate paragraph named ‘Good to know’ where you can give their explanations and also incorporate some other info.
  • You can add similar articles from other websites. This will promote our website and also help the readers.


  • One important thing: Add a metadescription in the ‘Edit snippet’ option at the end of the article. Remember, metadescription is the few lines that will be shown in Google below the headline of the article. If the article has a good introduction directly linked to the topic, copy that and paste it in the metadescription box. You can add copy metadescription from any part of the article. Remember, what catches the readers best and what introduces our article best are the lines deserve to be the metadescription.
Image in article

  • The images must have their source mentioned. The image url (image link) as source must be written in ‘here’ of the ‘Source here’ written after the caption.
  • The images must be clear. If not clear, click the image, press the ‘Pencil’ like option, the a new page will come along with many options like caption, size etc. Click size, and select full size. Then save.
    Remember, the full size of the image may cause the image to become too large. In that case, click the big image, and adjust it to a desired size by moving its outer sides.
  • Do not use images that have watermarks on them.

  • Their should be a primary category of the article such as ‘Algae’
  • ‘Lead’ category has to be selected along with the primary category in case the article is new. The selection of this category will cause the article to be in the forefront of our website’s homepage.

  • The tags should be the words that correctly represent the article.
 Featured image

  • The featured image should be rectangular in size.
  • It must be attractive and colorful, if possible.
  • The source url of the featured image should be written directly in the caption box. Unlike the images of the article, there is no chance of writing ‘Source here’ and then embed the url.
Most important thingOur articles, if searched in the internet, do not come at the top. And in most cases, they do not even come in the first page of the search result.

In order to promote our articles, we need to write correct keyphrase in the Keyphrase option below the article.

What is Keyphrase?

Suppose, you and your friend want to know the classification of algae. So in google, you typed ‘Classification of Algae’ and he searched the same thing writing ‘Algal Classification’. These both words are Keyphrase.

Now some keyphrases are common, some are uncommon. For example, among 10 million searches worldwide for classification of algae,

  • 8 million people searched writing ‘Classification of Algae’
  • 2 million people searched writing ‘Algal Classification’.

So, obviously, ‘Classification of Algae’ is a better keyphrase as most people search this way.

So, you will use ‘Classification of Algae’ as your keyphrase and write it in your Keyphrase box.

How will you understand which keyphrase to use?

Here, we are going to take the help of website Google trend.