About Us

Plantlet is a plant-science based website created in 2019 by a team of enthusiasts from Department of Botany, University of Dhaka. This website provides a platform for plant lovers, students and teachers to have their thoughts, ideas, articles and experiences shared.

Aim of ‘Plantlet’

Initially, ‘Plantlet’ was hypothesized to be an academic guideline for the students of Botanical science. Later, more and more thoughts on this website’s potential started coming out. Since then, the mission of this website has diversified widely with different challenging but doable plans.

In 2021, we felt the urge of Plantlet’s most daunting metamorphosis to turn into an ORGANIZATION from a mere WEBSITE. So, Plantlet blog (plnatlet.org) became only a part of Plantlet organization and in order to operate like the later, we undertook many initiatives.

Some aims, objectives and initiatives of Plantlet organization are:

To make ‘Plantlet’ a helpful guidebook for the plant science lovers.

We hope that any student from botanical science and others will write their own articles which will boost their confidence and make them love this science and also increase their understanding in a particular topic.

To provide free education on Biology to junior students and make them fall in love with botany.

To organize different competitions, programs to help making biology a lovable and exciting science.

To help the students become plant science oriented.

To show career opportunities.

To provide a hub for higher study abroad.

To provide the best online pdf centers of plant science books.

When did ‘Plantlet’ come into existence?

‘Plantlet’ was officially created on 29 January, 2019. But its idea predates more than two years from that date. At first, there was a plan to make an website of plant profiles. It was named as ‘MasterBot’. But, later it was found that the progress was quite unsatisfactory. It required a huge deal of work. So an idea was put forward which later germinated to become today’s ‘Plantlet’. And Alhumdulillah, this website’s performance is so well so far.

What does ‘Plantlet’ ask from you?

‘Plantlet’ wants to disseminate the knowledge of plant science. It has many things to offer plant lovers. And on the other hand, it asks for very little.

You can contribute to this website either by being an author, or an editor or just a regular viewer who makes comments in ‘Plantlet’s articles thinking that this might increase the confidence of the author who will later wish to write more and more.

If necessary, please do not hesitate to contact with us. Our email link is here: plantletorg@gmail.com.