Systematic position
According to Bentham and Hooker it is placed under the series Coronaricae. Engler places it under the order Liliflorae. Hutchinson places it under the order Liliales of the division Corolliferae.
The members of the family are cosmopolitan and specially abundant in the warmer parts of the tropical and temperate regions.
Taxonomic terms that might help in understanding the key features & description added in the later part.
- perrenial is a type of plants that lives more than two years.
- tendrillar is a modified stipule that is used for climbing.
- exstipulate no stipule.
General charecters
Usually perrenial herbs, persisting by means of bulb or rhizome.
Simple, alternate or whorled, mostly parallel veined, exstipulate (leaves with no stipule. But its not similar with sessile), tendrillar(modified stipule).
Generally racemose.
Incomplete, actinomorphic bisexual, hypogynous.
Lobes 6 in 2 whorls of 3 each, lobes are termed as tepals(unit of perianths, not differentiated into calyx and corolla) free or united petaloid, usually imbricate or the outer lobes valvate.
Stamens 6 to 2 series, sometimes epiphyllous, anthers 2-celled basifixed or versatile, anther introse or extrose.
Carpels 3, united, ovary superior, 3 locular with axile placentation, style single or forked, stigma 3 lobed.
A septicidal or loculidicial capsule.
With carthlaginous or fleshy endosperm, embryo straight or curved.
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Identyfying charecter
- Plants herbaceous, rhizomatous.
- Leaves radical or cauline or reduced to leaflike structure with parallel venation.
- Inflorescence generally racemose.
- Flower actinomorphic bisexual hypogynous.
- Stamens 6.
- Carpels 3, united, ovary, superior, placentation axile.
Important plants of Liliaceae family
Economically it is a very important family. Plants described here in different banners are:
Purpose |
Plant name and comments |
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Food | Allium cepa |
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Allium sativum |
Medicinal | Veratrum viride |
Urginea indica |
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Fritillaria raylei |
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Ornamental | Lilium candidum |
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Revised by
1. Nusrat Jahan Nitu on 19th August, 2021.