Writing Email to Professors for Higher Studies

For Higher education in Masters/PHD level, after choosing Universities, many prefer to apply through professors and for that writing email to them is necessary. Some formats of these emails are found in internet. Here some suggestions about what should be done and what shouldn’t be done while writing these kind of emails, are listed.


Things which should not be done are listed below:
· Don’t ask for funding directly/in first mail
· Don’t do grammatical error or other reckless error (eg. Adressing professor by wrong name)
· Don’t send email from funny email ID (eg. coolgirl@gmail.com, danger_girl@yahoo.com. )
· Don’t write an essay, it’s email
· Don’t attach your resumes/research paper etc. if the professor don’t ask for it
· Don’t ask anything what would be in their website or you can find through google  ( Eg. Number Of Student)
· Don’t use over the top respect (eg. Dear highly respected /honorable sir)

Some things should be noticed carefully while writing email to professors in order to make it a attractive one.

These are:

· Customize every time when writing to a professor
· Use the title and last name while addressing (eg. Dear Dr. Aziz, for Dr. Fahima Aziz)
· Write down your mail in 4/5 lines
· Explain and elaborate -where necessary ( eg. Asian University for Women, instead of AUW; I did a study on SAARC- explain here what is SAARC )
· If it is not specific subject of professor (eg. Research interest), write to admission coordinator

· Mention:
a. Why you picked him
b. How you know him
c. How much you know his work
d. Your contribution in the same field (if any)
e. Your publication (if any)
f. Your strengths (eg. It would be your CGPA/GRE score if it is very high)
g. How your contribution would be helpful for him
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The main post is from the facebook group named ‘HigherStudyAbroad-Global Hub of Bangladeshis

Credit: S M Rezwanul Islam

N.B: Some changes are brought according to necessity

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About Nandiny Ghosh

I am Nandiny, student of Botany Department, Dhaka University. Currently my final year of B.S honours is going on. Here, I write about the chances and ways of career and higher studies mostly. I hope to provide as much as information I can from different sources.

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