The complex tissue consists of more than one type of cells which work together as a unit. Complex tissues help in the transportation of organic material, water, and minerals up and down the plants. That is why it is also known as conducting and vascular tissue. Collenchyma always absent. Composed of more than one types of cells. Types …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2020
Aerobic Respiration: Part-2
Good to know This series of reactions are also called the TriCarboxylicAcid (TCA) cycle, for the three carboxyl groups on its first two intermediates, or the Krebs cycle, after its discoverer, Hans Krebs (1937). NADH and FADH2 are reduced electron carriers. TCA cycle The name citric acid cycle can also …
Read More »Aerobic Respiration: Part-1
Good to know Plants respire all the time, whether it is dark or light. They photosynthesise only when they are in the light. Conditions Photosynthesis vs respiration Overall result Dark Respiration No photosynthesis Oxygen taken in Carbon dioxide given out Dim light Photosynthesis rate equals respiration rate Neither gas …
Read More »Methods Of Vegetation: Quantitative
Methods of Calculation of Quantitative Data Quantitative data for individual species is calculated by the following methods: 1) Frequency = Number of sampling units in which the species occurred/Total number of sampling units studied Relative frequency = Frequency of a sp./Total frequency of all spp. X 100 2) Density …
Read More »Methods Of Vegetation: Qualitative
Vegetation: Definition Vegetation is defined as an assemblage of plants growing together in a particular location. It is characterized either by its component species or by the combination of structure and functional characters that characterize the appearance or physiognomy of vegetation. Vegetation rapidly responds to changes in habitat. If the …
Read More »Measures of Dispersion
Range The range consists of a bunch of data that shows the distinction between the highest and lowest values among the data set. So as to seek out the range, it’s necessary to first order the data from lowest to highest. Then we have to subtract the smallest value from the …
Read More »Organisation and Presentation of Data
There are two main methods of presenting data of a variable character or a variable. A) Tabulation/Tabular Presentation B) Drawing/Graphical Presentation Tabulation Tabulation is a device for presenting data from a mass of statistical data. Preparation of frequency distribution table is the first requirement for that. Tables are often simple …
Read More »Measures of Central Value: Mean, Median, Mode & Others
There are various methods to measure the central value of an observation. For instance, average, mean, median, mode, etc. Average The average value of a characteristic is the one central value around which all other observations are distributed. In any large series, nearly 50% of observations lie above the central …
Read More »Endosperm & It’s Types in Angiosperms
The endosperm is important because it is the main source of food for the embryo. In gymnosperms it is haploid and forms a continuation of the female gametophyte. In angiosperms, on the other hand, it is a new structure formed in most cases as the result of a fusion of …
Read More »Pyrrophyta: The Fire Algae (Dinoflagellate)
Pyrrophyta or fire algae is a division of unicellular algae that has a yellow brown color, and has two different flagella which are ribbon-shaped. It contains some pigments (chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, c1, c2 and fucoxanthin) that can photosynthesize. Early botanists classified dinoflagellates as a separate division of algae, which they named …
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