Algae & Hydrobiology

Algae Author or Compiler 
Introduction to Algae Sumaya Islam
Endosymbiotic Theory of Chloroplast Evolution Plantlet
Pyrrophyta: The Fire Algae Partho Sarathee Dey
Useful Algae-Related Websites: AlgaTalk, TransAlgae
Introduction Plantlet
Green algae to higher plants Plantlet
Algal classifications Plantlet
Eugleno-, Phaeo-, Chryso- Shefa Ahsan
Pyrrho-, Crypto-, Rhodo- Tubaia Zannat Juthi
Growth pattern in algae Plantlet
Volvocine trend Plantlet
Tetrasporine trend Plantlet
Chlorococcine trend Plantlet
Endosymbiotic theory: Chloroplast Plantlet
Ultra structure of chloroplasts Liza Kamal
Scope, culture types & media Plantlet
Batch culture Plantlet
Brief introduction to BGA Plantlet
Brief introduction to BGA Plantlet
Industrial application Plantlet
Microalgae & Bio-fuel Robin Khan
Algal research in Bangladesh Plantlet
Energy slave Plantlet