The male sterility which is governed by both nuclear and cytoplasmic genes is known as Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility or CGMS. While CMS is controlled by an extra-nuclear genome, nuclear gene may have the capability to restore fertility. When nuclear restoration of fertility genes (“Rf”) is available for a CMS …
Read More »Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
Male sterility, as the name indicates, is the inability of a plant to produce a male reproductive organ, the viable pollen. Male sterility can occur due to extra-nuclear genetic or nuclear genetic conditions. Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) refers to the inability of a plant to produce viable pollens due to …
Read More »Chemical Evolution and Origin of Life
The origin of life on Earth is a scientific problem which is not yet solved. There are plenty of ideas, but few clear facts. It is generally agreed that all life today evolved by common descent from a single primitive life form. It is not known how this early form …
Read More »Microbiology in Freshwater and Marine Habitats
Water Microbiology Water is the vital element for every living organisms on earth. So, it’s needed to ensure safe access to clean drinking water for all as most of the important bacterial diseases are transmitted through water . Water microbiology is the study of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, protozoa, microscopic …
Read More »Model Organism in Lifescience : Arabidopsis thaliana
A model organism is a nonhuman species that is used as a framework to develop and standardize the analysis which is applicable to other species. It’s an in vivo model which is extensively used to study human diseases when human experimentation would be unethical. In studying human diseases, model organisms …
Read More »GMO: A Blessing or A Curse?
What is GMO? A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic materials has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. A GMO is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant …
Read More »The GRE General Test: A Stairway to Higher Study
GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. If you are planning on getting yourself in a graduate school (doing your master’s) in mostly USA, you may need a GRE score to apply. It is the most common entrance exam and the largest assessment program for your graduate admission and students from …
Read More »Endosymbiosis in Plant Sap-Feeding Insects (Part-2)
The vast majority of observed plant sap-feeding hemipterans colonized by primary symbionts are defined by three traits. First of all, phylogenetically as they are universally present in the host species, have much-reduced genomes and have evolved from multiple phylogenetic origins such as Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Secondly, they …
Read More »The Selfish Gene: The Mean of Existence
Part-1 This is more of a book review than just an article sharing including intuitive visualizations from the other sources related to “The Selfish Gene” (1976) on evolutionary biology by the evangelist of biological science Richard Dawkins. Unfortunately, this book wasn’t too popular from the day of it’s publications because …
Read More »A Preliminary Guide on the Ecosystem and the Earth’s Structure
Biology, a mother science concerns everything related to life. It considers both plant and animal kingdom and also the world that we can’t see but abounded with minute life. Considering the aspects of living beings, this science sometimes needs to go beyond the living world to understand the correlation between …
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