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Experimental Embryology: Bringing Embryology Under Human Control

Modern embryology seems to comprise three main disciplines. The first, or descriptive embryology, is a study of the various developmental processes that take place in a plant from the initiation of the sex organs to the maturation of the embryo. The second, or phylogenetic embryology, attempts to evaluate these data …

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Polyembryony: Multiple Embryos in a Seed

The phenomenon of polyembryony, i.e., the occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed, has attracted much attention ever since its initial discovery in the orange (Citrus sinensis) by Leeuwenhoek (1719). Ernst (1918) and Schnarf (1929), who have reviewed the older literature, classify it into two types—”true” and “false”—depending …

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Apomixis: A Subistitution for Sexual Reproduction

Apomixis maybe defined (Winkler, 1908, 1934) as the substitution for sexual reproduction (amphimixis) of an asexual process which does not involve any nuclear fusion. For the sake of convenience it may be subdivided into four classes. Non-recurrent apomixis Recurrent apomixis Adventive embryony Vegetative propagation Non-recurrent apomixis In the first, or …

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