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Pteridophytes: Origin and Evolution

They are the earliest known vascular plants that originated in the Silurian period (400 million years ago) of the Palaeozoic Era and subsequently diversified and formed the dominant vegetation on earth during Devonian to Permian period. There are controversies regard­ing their origin and evolution. There are two broad theories about …

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Evolution of Plants: Telome Theory

Telome theory was proposed by Walter Zimmerman (1952, 1965). This theory is based on fossil records and explains the major steps in the evolution of vascular plants. According to this theory, all vascular plants have evolved from simple, leaf-less, root-less and dichotomously branched sterile and fertile axes called telomes which …

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Identification Of Ascomycetes: The Sac Fungi

In the kingdom Fungi, there are two major phyla- Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. These two together form a subkingdom of fungi named as Dikarya. They together were named such as members of both phyla maintain most part of their life cycle in dikaryotic stage meaning each cell contains two genetically different …

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