Mitochondria is a plural term. The sole form of mitochondria is the mitochondrion. The Greek word ‘Mito’ means thread and ‘Condrion’ means granule. So we can say, mitochondria are thread-like or granular structures. They are found in the eukaryotic cells. We know them as the cell powerhouse or the cell …
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Biogenesis of Mitochondria: Hypotheses and the Formation
All of us know that a living being always rises from another living being. Similarly, in terms of biology, biogenesis is a life-forming process. We also know that calls can have a variety of numbers of mitochondria according to their need. So mitochondrial biogenesis means the process of cells increasing …
Read More »গাছ কি আমাদের দেখতে পায়?
আমরা আমাদের আশেপাশের গাছগুলোকে ভাবি দৃষ্টিশূণ্য এক জীব। যাদের কাজ কেবল সালোকসংশ্লেষণ করা। তবে আমরা অনেকেই জানি না যে, আমাদের আশেপাশের গাছগুলো আসলে আমাদের দেখতে পায়। তারা তাদের আশেপাশের পরিবেশ পর্যবেক্ষণ করতে পারে। তারা দেখতে পারে আপনি লাল শার্ট পরেছেন নাকি নীল শার্ট? আপনার বাড়ির এক জায়গা থেকে তাদের অবস্থান …
Read More »চেরনোবিল, কোভিড-১৯ এবং ব্ল্যাক ফাংগাস
ঘটনাটি ১৯৮৬ সালের। রাশিয়াতে চেরনোবিল পারমানবিক শক্তি কেন্দ্রে ঘটে এক ভয়াবহ বিস্ফোরণ। এতে তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে মৃত্যু ঘটে বহু মানুষের। পাশাপাশি ধ্বংস হয়ে যায় সেখানকার গাছপালা , পশু-পাখি এবং অন্যান্য জীব। শুধু তাই নয়, আজ পর্যন্ত এর তেজস্ক্রিয়তার প্রভাবে এলাকাটি কোনো জীব বসবাসের অযোগ্য। যাদের তৎক্ষনাত মৃত্যু ঘটে নি, তারাও সেখানকার চরম …
Read More »Photoperiodism: Flowering in Plants (Part I)
We all have heard about summer or winter crops, but do we know why they are differentiated by seasons? Why are they specific for a certain season to sow and subsequent flowering? Well, the answer is for Photoperiodism. But what is this photoperiodism? If you want to know about photoperiodism, …
Read More »Soil Buffering: Mechanism of Buffering Action & Importance
Buffers are aqueous systems that tend to resist changes in pH when small amounts of acid (H+) or (OH–) are added. A buffer system composes of a weak acid (the proton donor) and its conjugate base (the proton acceptor). A mixture of equal concentrations of acetic acid and acetate ion …
Read More »Soil Reaction: Soil pH, Sources of H+ & OH- Ions
In soil, there may be found 3 types of reactions. They are neutral, alkaline, or acidic reactions. The measure of the chemical reaction of soil(degree of alkalinity or acidity) is expressed by its pH value. Soil pH Soil pH is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ion (expressed …
Read More »Soil Reaction: Importance & Factors Affecting Soil pH
The importance of soil pH can be classified into its direct and indirect effects on edaphology and pedology: Direct Effects 1. Toxic and destructive effect of OH– and H+ ions on root growth It is found that a destructive action on root tissues by acidity or alkalinity usually does not …
Read More »Soil Reaction: Pools of Soil Acidity
Research suggests that three major pools of acidity are common in soils: (1) active acidity due to the H+ ions in the soil solution; (2) salt-replaceable (exchangeable) acidity, involving the aluminum and hydrogen that are easily exchangeable by other cations in a simple unbuffered salt solution, such as KCI; and …
Read More »Bryophytes: Methods of Creating Their Generations
For studying, researching, and observing plants and plant life, we need to start from the beginning of some basic divisions of plants and have the knowledge of some plant categories. Bryophytes are one of the most interesting and incredible divisions of the plant kingdom. Anyone who has the thirst to …
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