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Phycological Research in Bangladesh

The branch Phycology has come into existence in 1753 when Carolus Linnaeus first discovered four genera namely Fucus, Conferra, Chara and Ulva. Exactly after 200 years in 1953, Prof. A. K. M. Nurul Islam started to work on algal taxonomy in the Department of Botany, University of Dhaka and devoted …

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Role of Algae in different industry

Algae is a group of photosynthetic organisms found in both marine and freshwater habitats. As these organisms have a short duplication time, they are considered among one of the fastest growing creatures. They have efficient pathways to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide and to efficiently utilize the available nutrients to convert …

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Chloroplast Evolution: Endosymbiotic Theory

Algae is a heterogeneous group of organisms containing members having chlorophyll ‘a’ as their primary photosynthetic pigments. These green chlorophyll molecules along with some accessory pigments are contained generally in a membrane-bound packet-like structure called chloroplast within the algal body. In some members, the chloroplast is absent though; such as …

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