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Mendelian Inheritance: Part I

From the title we can easily understand that this article is about a part of genetics studies. So, what is genetics? The biological science which deals with the phenomena of heredity (i.e. transmission of traits form one generation to another) and variation and the study of the laws governing similarities …

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Cell Types & Tissue System: Simple Tissue

Plant anatomy Study of gross internal structures of plant organs by the method of section cutting is called plant anatomy. Tissue Vegetative Reproductive Complex Tissue is formed by a group of cells having Same origin Same structure Same function Gross classification of tissue Permanent tissue Meristematic tissue Secretory tissue (concerned …

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Cell Types & Tissue System: Complex Tissue

The complex tissue consists of more than one type of cells which work together as a unit. Complex tissues help in the transportation of organic material, water, and minerals up and down the plants. That is why it is also known as conducting and vascular tissue. Collenchyma always absent. Composed of more than one types of cells. Types …

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