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Aerobic Respiration: Part-2

Good to know This series of reactions are also called the TriCarboxylicAcid (TCA) cycle, for the three carboxyl groups on its first two intermediates, or the Krebs cycle, after its discoverer, Hans Krebs (1937). NADH and FADH2 are reduced electron carriers. TCA cycle The name citric acid cycle can also …

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Aerobic Respiration: Part-1

Good to know Plants respire all the time, whether it is dark or light. They photosynthesise only when they are in the light.   Conditions Photosynthesis vs respiration Overall result Dark Respiration No photosynthesis Oxygen taken in Carbon dioxide given out Dim light Photosynthesis rate equals respiration rate Neither gas …

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Methods Of Vegetation: Quantitative

Methods of Calculation of Quantitative Data   Quantitative data for individual species is calculated by the following methods: 1) Frequency = Number of sampling units in which the species occurred/Total number of sampling units studied Relative frequency = Frequency of a sp./Total frequency of all spp. X 100 2) Density …

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