Group 4

Microbiological Techniques

Author, or Compiler
Cultivation of microorganisms Cultivation of Microorganisms Jibon Hridoy
General methods of isolation Methods of Microbial Isolation Jibon Hridoy
Maintenance and preservation of cultures Preservation of Culture Jibon Hridoy
Growth of bacteria Growth of Bacteria Jibon Hridoy
Measurement of microbial growth Measurement of Microbial Growth Jibon Hridoy
Microbiology of food Microbiology of Food Jibon Hridoy
Microbiology of milk Microbiology of Milk Jibon Hridoy
Microbial water pollution Microbial Water Pollution Jibon Hridoy
Control of microorganisms Control by Heat & Radiation Jibon Hridoy

Marine Botany

Introduction Oceans, Seas & Bay of Bengal Abulais Shomrat
Algae & Seaweeds: Origin of Green Lineage Abulais Shomrat
Plankton: Productivity, Food Chain & Factors
Reefs, Mars & Stromatolites
Diversity Seaweeds: The Pearls of the Sea
Seaweed Cultivation & Algal Industry
Nori Cultivation
Sea Grasses & Salt Marshes
Estuarine ecology Estuarine Ecology
Toxic Algae and human health Toxic Algae & Human Health
Role As Carbon Sink, Cleanser of the Earth, Cooler of the Atmosphere
Marine Biotechnology Extraction & Uses of Phycocolloids


Introduction Definition, History, Scopes & Applications
Traditional Botanical Knowledge (TBK) A Bangladesh Perspective
Approaches to TBK & Some Plants
Methods of study Methods of Ethnobotanical Studies
Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology
Traditional plant use and management Understanding Traditional Plant Use & Management

Climate Change Biology

Understanding global climate The Earth’s Motion
Atmospheric Structure
Atmospheric Composition & Chemistry
Earth’s Climate System
Atmospheric Circulation
The Ocean
Causes of global climate change Factors Affecting the Earth’s Temperature
Human Drivers
Marine & Terrestrial Sink of CO2
CO2 Effects on Climate
Climate change phenomena Evidences of Global Warming
Landform effects and vegetation Landform Effects on Climate
Vegetation Influences on Climate
Temporal Variability: Long Term Changes
Temporal Variability: Anthropogenic Climate Change
Relationship of Climate to Ecosystem Distribution & Structure
Impacts of global climate change Impacts of Global Climate Challenges
Global Climate Change Impact on Agriculture
Mitigation and adaption Global Climate Models
Mitigation & Adaptation

Autecology and Environment

Introduction Introduction, Pioneers & Scopes
The environment of plants The Biosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere
The role of green plants in nature The Sun, Human & Food Supply
Energy environment Global Radiation & Energy Budget
Salinity Salinity: Sources, Cycles & Classification Abulais Shomrat
Halophytes: Salient Features, Adaptations & Classification  Abulais Shomrat
Interactions between organisms
Marine environment Marine Environment: Classification & Productivity
Soil environment Soil Environment
Ecosystem balance and imbalance Balance & Imbalance
Water Resources
Environmental toxicology Toxic Substances
Arsenic: Exposure, Effects & Others
Plant and Pollution

Plant Physiology and Plant Nutrition

Growth and development Auxin: The First Phytohormone Abulais Shomrat
Mineral nutrients
Ion absorption of plants
Pathways of translocation of ions


Organization & Structure of Genome Genome Size  Abulais Shomrat
Sequence Complexity: Explanation with Examples
Sequence Complexity: Explanation with Formula Abulais Shomrat
Genome Structure in Viruses and Prokaryotes  Abulais Shomrat
The Organization of Nuclear DNA in Eukaryotes Abulais Shomrat
Subdividing the genome Restriction Enzymes & Their Availability Abulais Shomrat
Fragmentation of DNA with Restriction Enzymes
Separating Large Fragments of DNA
Isolation of Chromosomes & Chromosome Micro-dissection
Vectors for Cloning DNA & Choice of Vector
Genome sequence acquisition and analysis Physical Mapping of Genomes
Sequencing whole genomes Sequencing Methods & Strategies
Benefits of Genome Sequencing


Introduction to Proteomics Genome – Transcriptome – Proteome
Protein Structures and folding Protein: Characteristics & Structures Abulais Shomrat
Protein-protein interaction study Yeast-2-hybrid systems
Protein separation for sequencing 2-D Gel Electrophoresis: SDS-PAGE
2-D Gel Electrophoresis: Mass Spectroscopy
Analysis of protein Sequences Identification of Protein families and evolutionary relationships
Basic principles of protein sequence comparison
Finding distant relationships,
Revealing protein motifs
3D structural comparisons


Introduction of Bioinformatics
Similarity Searches on Sequence Databases
Pair-wise alignments
multiple sequence alignment
Phylogenetic analysis
Application of bioinformatics
Networks in Bioinformatics/proteomics Biological networks (Protein interaction networks, gene regulation networks)
Bioinformatics Databases and search tools
Genomics circuits in single gene
Functional genomics Identification and characterization genes from newly sequenced genome
Drug design based on bioinformatic tools

Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology

Historical background
Cellular totipotency Cellular Totipotency: From A Single Cell to A Fully-Formed Organism  Tarannum Ahsan
Establishment and maintenance of callus Establishing Calluses: Tissue Culture Tarannum Ahsan

Horticulture and Agronomy

Classification of horticultural plants
Classification of vegetables
Preparation of seedbed
Propagation of horticultural plants
Fertilizer Fertilizer
Mathematical Problems
Irrigation Irrigation
Irrigation Water
Mathematical Problems

Biological Limnology

The diversity of Limnological organisms
Planktonic organisms
Primary productivity
Nutrient requirements of phytoplankton
Biological characteristics of tracheophytes
Photosynthesis and heterophilly
Geography of hydrophytes
Aquatic weeds

Numerical Cytogenetics

Numerical aberration
Aneuploid: (a) Hyperploid
Speciation through allopolyploidy and segmental allopolyploidy
Human cytogenetics

Microbial Plant Pathology

Mycoplasma diseases
Viral diseases
Bacterial diseases
Nematode diseases

Seed Pathology

Seed diseases
Location of fungal hyphae in seeds
Seed health testing
Seed-plant-seed transmission
Seed certification
Storage diseases
Control of seed borne diseases


Pre-Darwinian concepts Chambers, Kammerer, Buffon & Spencer
Darwin-Wallace theory Voyage of the Beagle
Prodigality of Reproduction Abulais Shomrat
Contribution of Wallace
Pattern of Evolution
Evidences of evolution Evidences of Evolution
Synthetic theory of evolution Synthetic theory of Evolution
Natural selection Natural Selection
Speciation Species concept & Speciation
Isolation & Speciation
Chemical theory of origin of life Chemical evolution of life
Human evolution Human Evolution
Cosmology Cosmology & Big Bang