Group 1

General Microbiology

Author or, Compiler
Introduction Introduction to Microbiology Sabiha Alam Shifa
Scopes of Microbiology  Sumaya Islam
Pioneers of Microbiology  Mashrifa Sharin
Abiogenesis vs biogenesis Theory of abiogeneis & biogenesis Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Origin of life – Chemical theory Origin of life Ommey Hany
Five-kingdom and Three-domain concept Three Domain Concept Armany Arju Lubna
Five kingdom Classification Armany Arju Lubna
Bacteria Introduction & size Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Classification of bacteria Abulais Shomrat
Friendly behavior Mahmuda Hossain Mim
Bacterial structure Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Bacterial flagella  Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Bacterial habitats & importance Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Archaea Archaeans: Definition, Characteristics, Classification and Importance Abdullah Al Mamun
Virus Virus: Definition, Discovery, Characteristics, and Structure Rabeya Mirdha
Prions Prion Abida Latif Tamanna
Rickettsia Introduction Khaleda Akter Shompa
Rickettsia Khaleda Akter Shompa

Lower Fungi

Introduction Introduction  Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Rhizoid and Rhizomorph Ismayara Akter Liza
Importance Part I Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Importance Part II Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Chytridiomycetes An overview of Chytridiomycetes Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Life cycle of Synchitrium
Life cycle of Synchytrium endobioticum Shawon Gosh Payell
Oomycetes An Overview of Oomycetes Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Order: Saprolegniales Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Order: Peronosporales Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Life cycle and importance Phytophthora infestans
Zygomeycetes An Overview of Zygomycetes Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Life cycle of Rhizopus stolonifers
Economic Importance Fungi: Importance in Economy Mashrifa Sharin

General Phycology

Introduction Introduction to Algae Sumaya Islam
Characteristics and importance of algae
Bases of classification (Lee 2008) Coming soon Sabiha Alam Shifa
Endosymbiotic theory of chloroplast evolution Endosymbiotic Theory of Chloroplast Evolution Abulais Shomrat
Outline of the classification of Lee 2008
Algal habitats
Reproductive methods in algae
Others Pyrrophyta: The Fire Algae Partho Sarathee Dey
Useful algae related website AlgaTalk, TransAlgae


Introduction Introduction and Characteristics Alpona Akter
Classification Classification & Identification  Sumaya Islam
Habitat Extensive Habitats & Distribution of Bryophytes  Mashrifa Sharin
Different bryophytes Riccia (Coming soon) Mashrifa Sharin
Porella Ahmmod Awal Dipon
Anthoceros Meher Afroz
Sphaerocarpos Nazia Hossain
Reproduction methods Nazia Hossain
Origin and evolution

Angiosperm Taxonomy

Angiosperm morphology
Some Basic concepts Nazia Hossain
Techniques to identify plants Identification by Keys Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mili
Major plant families Lamiaceae Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Liliaceae Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Apocynaceae Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Orchidaceae Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Poaceae Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Euphorbiaceae Siddiq Hasan
Nomenclature  Coming soon Sabiha Alam Shifa
Survey methods
Molecular systematics DNA Barcoding Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Genetic Marker Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Others কার্জন হলের ফুলগুলি Siddiq Hasan
কার্জনের বৃক্ষ Siddiq Hasan


The age of Bacteria Biodiversity: A Conceptual History Mili & Shomrat
Biodiversity: Life & Some Basic Concepts Mili & Shomrat
The Age of Bacteria Shomrat & Mili
Prehistoric periods of the earth Biodiversity: Prehistoric Periods of earth Sumaya & Nitu
Biodiversity: Creation of earth and details Umme Farzana Lima
Biodiversity: Geographical positioning system, latitude and longitudes Umme Farzana Lima
Relation of Climate and Biodiversity and its threat Umme Farzana Lima
Creation of biodiversity Biodiversity: Creation of Biodiversity Mst. Nusrat Jahan Nitu
Types of biodiversity Types of Biodiversity Tanjin Ahmed Sourav
Loss and conservation Causes of Extinction Syed Nasif Elias Faruqui
Conservation & its types Syed Nasif Elias Faruqui
Importance of & threats to biodiversity Biodiversity: Importance & Threats Ferdous Ahamed Opi

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Acid, Base, Buffer
Cell Active & Passive Immunity  Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Carbohydrate Carbohydrates: The Central to Nutrition Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics: A Relationships Between Heat and Other Forms of Energy (Part 1 & 2) Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Lipids Lipids and Fatty Acids: An Inescapable Organic Compounds Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Enzymes Mode of Action  Ferdous Ahmed Opi
Nucleosides & Nucleotides
Vitamins Vitamins Abdul Bari Chowdhury
Amino Acids & Peptides Amino acids & peptides Ferdous Ahmed OPi
Proteins Protein and Peptides: An Inevitable Source of Nutrition Ferdous Ahmed Opi


Coral Reefs Coral Reefs: Types, Formation and Importance Shraboni Mostofa