- 25 MarchDebunking The Myth: White Dots on Strawberries are Not Seeds
- 19 MarchExploring The ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault: VR Tour
- 6 MarchEstablishing Calluses: Tissue Culture
- 21 FebruaryCellular Totipotency: From A Single Cell to A Fully-Formed Organism
- 17 FebruaryOphiocordyceps: The Zombie or Brain-manipulating Fungus
- 13 FebruaryCrop Diseases: Top 10 Economic Importance
- 11 FebruaryHerbarium: History, Importance & Herbarium Sheet Preparation
- 5 FebruaryPsilophyta: The Simplest Form of Vascular Plants
- 4 FebruaryVirus: Definition, Discovery, Characteristics,and Structure
- 29 JanuaryGreenwashing: A Technique to Deceive Environmentalists
- 11 JanuaryHouseplants in Future: Our At-Home Power Plant
- 17 DecemberDoomsday Seed Vault: Hoarding for Apocalypse
- 13 NovemberPlant Biotechnology
- 13 NovemberProduction of Secondary Metabolites through in vitro Culture Techniques
- 13 NovemberMonosaccharide : Simple Sugar
- 13 NovemberHeterospory and Seed Habit
- 1 OctoberRiccia: A Common Liverwort
- 1 AugustLower Fungi: Classification of Lower Fungi
- 2 JulyTerrarium: Your Very Own Ecosystem
- 29 JuneCavitation and Embolism: Bubbles in The Stem!
- 8 JuneBinomial Nomenclature: Two Term Naming System
- 13 AprilRelease of An Improved Variety from Lab to Farmers: Part 2
- 2 AprilRelease of An Improved Variety from Lab to Farmers: Part 1
- 13 MarchIntroduction: Microbiology, Microorganism and Contribution
- 11 MarchFungi: Importance in Economy
- 6 MarchBandarban: Where Heaven of Nature Meets Wild Blue Yonder
- 5 MarchBryophytes: Extensive Habitats and Distributions
- 5 MarchPhycology: An Introduction to Algae and Its Study
- 27 FebruaryMicrobiology: Notable Pioneers and Their Contributions
- 25 FebruaryMicrobiology: An Introduction to Its Range of Scopes
- 20 FebruaryBryophyta: Classification and Identification of Bryophytes
- 19 FebruaryPhysiology of Seed Germination
- 9 DecemberSeed Dormancy: Reasons, Breaking Methods and Advantages
- 5 DecemberVernalization: Cold treatment in plants
- 15 OctoberIntroducing to Asteraceae family
- 29 SeptemberMutation Breeding: Pros, Cons and Achievements of Bangladesh
- 29 SeptemberExperimental Designs (Part-1): Principle and Concept
- 25 SeptemberStomata: Structure, Types and Functions
- 24 SeptemberMutation Breeding: Material Selection, Dosage, Procedure & Precaution
- 21 SeptemberRiver Ecosystem in Bangladesh: Bangshai River (Part 2)
- 21 SeptemberMutagenic Agents: Types, Mechanism & Irradiation Breeding
- 20 SeptemberArchaea: Definition, Characteristics, Classification and Importance
- 20 SeptemberRiver Ecosystem in Bangladesh: Bangshai River (PART 1)
- 19 SeptemberGolgi Apparatus: The Traffic Police of Cell
- 18 SeptemberMutation Breeding: Definition, History & Types
- 4 SeptemberFungi: Sexual Reproduction
- 3 SeptemberFungi: Asexual Reproduction & Reproductive Structures
- 2 SeptemberPollination: Introduction, Types and Conditions
- 2 SeptemberMalthus’ Law & How It Catalyzed Darwin’s Thought
- 2 SeptemberATP Synthase: World’s Smallest Motor
- 30 AugustEndoplasmic Reticulum: Discovery, Structure, & Function
- 30 AugustRestriction Enzymes: An Introduction to Biological Knives
- 25 AugustOrganization of Nuclear DNA in Eukaryotes
- 25 AugustGenome Structure in Viruses & Prokaryotes
- 25 AugustDNA Reassociation Kinetics & Sequence Complexity
- 20 AugustHalophytes: Salient Features, Adaptations & Classification
- 19 AugustSalinity: Sources, Cycles & Classification
- 19 AugustThe Eyes of Plants: ft Charles and Francis Darwin
- 16 AugustInsulin Plant: Our Home Remedy for Diabetes
- 15 Augustপৃথিবীর ভবিষ্যত: মরুভূমি নাকি অরণ্য?
- 12 AugustMitochondria: The Powerplant for Eukaryotic Cells
- 12 AugustBiogenesis of Mitochondria: Hypotheses and the Formation
- 11 Augustগাছ কি আমাদের দেখতে পায়?
- 31 Julyচেরনোবিল, কোভিড-১৯ এবং ব্ল্যাক ফাংগাস
- 29 JulyPhotoperiodism: Flowering in Plants (Part I)
- 28 JulySoil Buffering: Mechanism of Buffering Action & Importance
- 26 JulySoil Reaction: Soil pH, Sources of H+ & OH- Ions
- 26 JulySoil Reaction: Importance & Factors Affecting Soil pH
- 26 JulySoil Reaction: Pools of Soil Acidity
- 24 JulyBryophytes: Methods of Creating Their Generations
- 20 JulyWhat A Plant Sees: Plants Can See Us!!
- 18 JulyRibosome: The Protein Factory of Cell
- 11 JulyChernobyl, Covid-19 and Black Fungus
- 11 JulyTitan Arum: The Corpse Flower Feels Rotten
- 10 JulyTest of Significance
- 7 JulyClassification of Bacteria
- 11 JuneToxic Algae & Human Health
- 10 MayAn Overview of Oomycetes
- 23 AprilMucorales: The Largest Order of Zygomycetes
- 25 MarchLinkage and Recombination (Part 2): Sex linkage in Drosophila, Linked gene & Synthetic gene
- 25 MarchLinkage and Recombination (Part 1): Chromosomal Theory, Linkage & Crossing Over
- 14 MarchGroundnut: Tikka disease
- 14 MarchDNA Repair Mechanism: Photoreactivation, Excision repair, Post Replication Recombinant Repair & SOS Repair
- 11 MarchAir Plants: Plants That Grow without Soil
- 7 MarchVector Mediated Gene Transfer: Commonly Used Vectors (Part 2)
- 7 MarchVector Mediated Gene Transfer: Commonly Used Vectors (Part 1)
- 5 MarchHistory of Botanical Exploration: Indian Subcontinent (Part 2)
- 5 MarchHistory of Botanical Exploration: Indian Subcontinent (Part 1)
- 23 FebruaryComparison of Two Means: Student’s t-test
- 21 FebruaryCell wall: Origin and Growth
- 16 FebruaryCell wall: Structure and Composition
- 12 FebruaryGene Cloning: Basic, Requirements & Steps
- 10 JanuaryReproductive Biology in Crop Plants: Part Two
- 10 JanuaryReproductive Biology in Crop Plants: Part One
- 5 JanuaryLeaf Traces & Pit Pairs
- 20 DecemberJapan as a Place for Higher Studies
- 3 DecemberConcept of Soil Fertility
- 3 DecemberCoral Reefs: Types, Formation and Importance
- 3 DecemberSoil as A Medium for Plant Growth
- 3 DecemberConcepts of center of origin of cultivated crops (Part 3)
- 3 DecemberConcepts of center of origin of cultivated crops (Part 2)
- 30 NovemberConcepts of center of origin of cultivated crops (Part 1)
- 25 NovemberExternal Secretory Structures
- 25 NovemberSecretory Tissue: A Laticiferous Discussion
- 23 NovemberDeuteromycetes: The Fungi Imperfecti
- 20 NovemberMinerals: A Solid, Naturally Occurring Inorganic Substance (Part 1)
- 20 NovemberVitamins: A Nutrional Organic Molecule
- 18 NovemberProtein and Peptides: An Inevitable Source of Nutrition (Part 2)
- 17 NovemberThermodynamics: A Relationships Between Heat and Other Forms of Energy (Part 2)
- 17 NovemberThermodynamics: A Relationships Between Heat and Other Forms of Energy (Part 1)
- 17 NovemberForests of Bangladesh
- 6 NovemberCarbohydrates: The Central to Nutrition
- 5 NovemberHydrangea: A Natural Acid Base Indicator & Wonder of Colors
- 3 NovemberForest Ecology and Classification
- 2 NovemberSoils of Bangladesh: Formation and Tracts
- 1 NovemberBark and Lenticel: A Brief Discussion
- 1 NovemberBacterial Habitats & Importance
- 31 OctoberOrganization & Structure of Genome: Genome Size
- 31 OctoberSoil Environment
- 31 OctoberWater Resources
- 30 OctoberBacterial Structure
- 26 OctoberProtein and Peptides: An Inevitable Source of Nutrition (Part 1)
- 26 OctoberLipids and Fatty Acids: An Inescapable Organic Compounds
- 26 OctoberTricks for GRE Preparation
- 26 OctoberPreservation of Cultures
- 26 OctoberEcosystem: Balance & Imbalance
- 26 OctoberInternal Structure of Wood
- 25 OctoberHow to Select Universities to Apply : Higher Studies
- 25 OctoberEnergy Environment: Global Radiation Balance & Energy Budget
- 25 OctoberArsenic: Exposure, Effect & Contamination
- 25 OctoberInterrelationships of quantitative variables: Correlation and Regression
- 25 OctoberAnalysis of Variance and F test
- 23 OctoberToxic Substances & Environmental Health
- 22 OctoberBacteria: Flagella
- 22 OctoberBacteria: Introduction and Size
- 22 OctoberFungi: A Kingdom of Achlorophyllous Eukaryotes
- 22 OctoberImportance of Fungi: Medicine, Agriculture & Industry
- 22 OctoberFungi: 10 Most Harmful effects of Fungi
- 21 OctoberAnomalous Secondary Growth
- 20 OctoberPeriderm: Structure and Development
- 19 OctoberBeauty of Ocean: Devil Ray
- 19 OctoberMarine Environment: Classification & Productivity
- 17 OctoberElysia chlorotica: The Solar-Powered Half Animal, Half Plant Sea Slug
- 17 OctoberThe Path To Higher Studies In Canada: Part 2
- 16 OctoberControl of Microorganisms
- 16 OctoberGrowth of Bacteria
- 16 OctoberCultivation of Microorganisms: Types of Culture Medium
- 16 OctoberGeneral Methods of Microbial Isolation
- 16 OctoberMeasurement of Microbial Growth
- 16 OctoberMicrobiology of Food
- 16 OctoberMicrobial Water Pollution
- 16 OctoberBasic guidelines for higher studies
- 15 OctoberThe Path To Higher Studies In Canada: Part 1
- 15 OctoberRoot-Stem Transition
- 14 OctoberSecondary Growth of Dicot Stem and Root
- 12 OctoberPrimary Structure: Dicotyledonous, Monocotyledonous Root & Leaf
- 10 OctoberWriting Email to Professors for Higher Studies
- 8 OctoberSlime Molds: The Most Charismatic and Clever Single Cell You’ll Meet Today!
- 4 OctoberPrimary Structure: Dicotyledonous & Monocotyledonous Stem
- 3 OctoberSome prestigious scholarships around the world
- 1 OctoberAmino Acid and Peptides:An Inevitable Organic Compounds
- 29 SeptemberFinancial Analysis for Studying in USA
- 29 SeptemberBioinformatics and Computer Skills
- 18 SeptemberMeristematic Classification & Theory
- 17 SeptemberTypes of Biodiversity
- 16 SeptemberSoil Horizons Development & Soil Profile
- 3 SeptemberRelationship between plant breeding and other biological sciences
- 31 AugustAuthor’s citation
- 31 AugustFuture of Earth: Desert or Explosion of “Global Greening”?
- 28 AugustTaxonomy : Polymerase Chain Reaction
- 25 AugustLife cycle of Synchytrium endobioticum
- 24 AugustImportance of Soil Solution
- 24 AugustHura crepitans: Where Nature Produces “Explosives”
- 23 AugustHybridization: A Method of Crop Improvement (Part 1)
- 22 AugustTaxonomy: DNA Barcoding
- 22 AugustTaxonomy: Genetic Marker
- 22 AugustOomycetes: Order Peronosporales
- 21 AugustSoil Forming Processes
- 21 AugustEquisetum: The Scouring Rushes
- 20 AugustTypes & Procedures of Selection Process (Part-2)
- 20 AugustTypes & Procedures of Selection Process (Part-1)
- 20 AugustOomycetes: Order Saprolegnia
- 14 AugustClassification of Life: The Three Domain Concept
- 13 AugustCytoplasmic Inheritance: Transfer of Genetic Characters by Means of Autonomous Organelles
- 12 AugustMeiosis: Reductional Division
- 11 AugustSoil Solid & Solution
- 10 AugustComposition of Soil
- 10 AugustMechanism of Photosynthesis: Light Dependent Phase
- 8 AugustMechanism of Photosynthesis: Light Independent Phase
- 8 AugustFactors of Photosynthesis
- 7 AugustPlant Introduction and Acclimatization: Advantages, Disadvantages, Important Achievements and Expeditions
- 7 AugustThe Structure Of DNA and RNA
- 3 AugustPlant Introduction and Acclimatization: Easiest Method of Crop Improvement
- 1 AugustSoil Organic Matters
- 31 JulyPlant Introduction and Acclimatization: History, Organizations & Procedure
- 26 DecemberPolysaccharides: The Long Chain of Simple Sugars
- 26 DecemberDisaccharides: Bonding of Two Simple Sugars
- 26 DecemberProtein: Discovery, Characteristics, and Structures
- 26 DecemberPhotosynthesis: Introduction & Requirements
- 13 DecemberHow You Can Save Money and the Environment by Making Simple Changes to Your Home
- 1 NovemberTransposable Genetic Elements
- 16 OctoberDNA Replication in Eukaryotes: Linear Replication
- 16 OctoberReplication in Circular DNA: Theta Model
- 15 OctoberTranslation: mRNA to Protein
- 15 OctoberPost-transcriptional Modification
- 15 OctoberGenetic Code
- 13 OctoberCronquist’s System of Classification
- 13 OctoberPhylogenetic Classification of John Hutchinson
- 13 OctoberDistribution and Sources of Air Microbes
- 13 OctoberMicrobiology of Air
- 13 OctoberPhases of Growth in Batch Culture
- 13 OctoberAlgal Culture: Types & Culture Media
- 12 OctoberPhycological Research in Bangladesh
- 12 OctoberRole of Algae in different industry
- 12 OctoberChloroplast Evolution: Endosymbiotic Theory
- 12 OctoberGrowth Pattern in Algae
- 12 OctoberGreen Algae & The Origin of Higher Plants
- 12 OctoberAlgae: An Introduction
- 6 OctoberOrigin Of Bryophytes
- 2 OctoberTakhtajan’s System of Classification
- 24 SeptemberAnthoceros: The Hornworts
- 19 SeptemberTranscription: The Mechanism of pre-mRNA Synthesis
- 9 SeptemberRegulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes: General features and Significance
- 21 AugustSphagnum: A Useful Peat
- 14 AugustPorella: The Leafy Liverworts
- 14 AugustSelaginella: Tale of spikemosses
- 14 AugustEmbryo culture technique: To overcome barriers of distantly related crosses.
- 13 AugustFriendly Behaviour Of Bacteria
- 11 AugustRickettsia: The Disease Causing Bacteria (Part-1)
- 10 AugustHeterocyst: A Botanical Enigma
- 8 AugustStudy Botany in USA: Steps to Follow
- 5 AugustDivisions: Euglenophyta, Phaeophyta, Chrysophyta
- 5 AugustEssential Oil: A Concentrated Hydrophobic Liquid
- 4 AugustTerpenoids: A Structurally Diverse Class of Natural Products
- 4 AugustDifference Between: Part One (BOT: 308)
- 15 Julyউদ্ভিদপ্রেমীদের চোখে কার্জনহল দেখতে যেমন
- 6 JulyAscomycetes : An Introduction
- 26 JuneCytpoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility
- 26 JuneCytoplasmic Male Sterility
- 23 JuneInduction, Repression & The Operon Models
- 15 JunePrinciples & Methods of Plant Disease Control
- 13 JuneDivisions: Pyrrhophyta, Cryptophyta, Rhodophyta
- 4 JuneThe Basic Concepts Of Plant Disease
- 3 JuneOverseasoning of Pathogens
- 3 JuneInfection and Dissemination
- 3 JuneInoculation and Penetration
- 2 June
- 2 JuneEvolution of Green Algae: Volvocine Trend
- 1 JuneUltra Structure of Chloroplast in Algae
- 30 MayGenetic Controlled Male Sterility
- 29 MayChemical Evolution and Origin of Life
- 29 MayAllopolyploidy: Mixing up Different Genomes
- 28 MayHaploid Breeding: Development of Pure Homozygous Line
- 28 MayMicrobiology in Freshwater and Marine Habitats
- 27 MaySoil Microbiology: The Scientific Discipline of Microbial Communities in Soil
- 27 MayAutopolyploidy: Multiplying Same Genome
- 27 MayThe Disease Cycle: Stages of Disease Development
- 27 MayMicrobiology: Stories in Extreme Habitats
- 26 MayReplication of Circular DNA: Rolling Circle Model
- 26 Mayউদ্ভিদের সাথে পরিচিতিঃ মধু লনিসেরা Lonicera japonica
- 26 MayEvolution of Green Algae: Chlorococcine Trend
- 26 MayEvolution of Green Algae: Tetrasporine Trend
- 25 MayPrion: The Mysterious Infectious Agent
- 23 MayPolyploidy: A Game with Chromosome Numbers
- 23 MayKaryotype and Idiogram : A way to provide preliminary idea about Genome
- 23 MayModel Organism in Lifescience : Arabidopsis thaliana
- 22 MayGMO: A Blessing or A Curse?
- 17 MayThe Lipid
- 17 MayThe GRE General Test: A Stairway to Higher Study
- 16 MayRhizoid and Rhizomorph: Awww it seems confusing!
- 16 MayEndosymbiosis in Plant Sap-Feeding Insects (Part-2)
- 7 MayIntroduction to Fatty acids
- 6 MayDifferent Diseases of Jute: The Challenges for Jute Cultivation
- 1 MayThe Selfish Gene: The Mean of Existence
- 29 AprilClassification of protein: A Short Tour Through The World of Protein
- 26 AprilA Preliminary Guide on the Ecosystem and the Earth’s Structure
- 22 AprilAlkaloids: A Secondary Metabolite
- 19 AprilHeterosis Breeding: Being Better Than Parents
- 19 Aprilগাছকে আমরা কতটুকু জানি ?
- 10 AprilEndosymbiosis in Plant Sap-Feeding Insects (Part-1)
- 10 AprilBiochemical Composition of Some Selected Aquatic Macrophytes Under Ex-situ Conditions
- 8 AprilBlue-Green Algae: A Brief Introduction to the Prokaryotic Photosynthesizers
- 6 AprilSelf Incompatibility: An intelligent journey to variation
- 6 AprilIntroduction to Male Sterility
- 3 AprilFungal Diseases of Rice
- 3 AprilLactophenol Cotton Blue: Most Widely Used Stain in Mycology
- 30 MarchChromosomal Aberration: Structural and Numerical
- 30 MarchSolenoid Model: The Second Level of Packing
- 30 MarchNucleosome Model of Chromosomes
- 23 MarchThe Megasporangium: Types, Parts and Functions
- 19 MarchColiform Bacteria: An Indicator of Water Contamination
- 11 MarchThe Best Medical Cannabis Dispensaries in Toronto
- 3 MarchThe Microsporangium & the Male Gametophyte
- 25 FebruaryProgrammed Cell Death
- 23 Februaryভাইরাস অন্য কোন জীবিত কোষ ছাড়া বংশবৃদ্ধি করতে পারেনা। কিন্তু কেন?